Modern approaches to the study of the state and trends in the development of inbound tourism at the national and regional levels (on the example of Primorsky Region)

  • Shestakov K.V.

    Shestakov K.V. Department of Tourism Primorsky Region Vladivostok. Russia

  • Gomilevskaya G.A.

    G.A. Gomilevskaya. Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia

  • Ден Валерия Гихоевна

    V.G. Den Vladivostok State University of Economics and Service. Vladivostok. Russia


The article analyzes the  scientific and practical approaches  to the  comprehensive  study of tourism, aimed at identifying the socio-economic role of tourism and the dynamics of its development in the region. The purpose of the work is based on the analysis of modern approaches to the study of the tourism sector at the national and regional levels, and to develop and test a  system of  relative indicators  for the  assessment of inbound tourism.  The methodological basis of the work is the socio-economic approach to the study of the state
and trends of tourism at the national and regional levels, the methods of generalization, induction and deduction, system analysis, classification, statistical analysis, indexing. The paper analyzes the scientific and practical approaches to the study of the state of tourism, identified key indicators that characterize the state of regional tourism, assessed trends in tourism development in the Russian Federation and Primorsky Krai, identified the fundamental factors of growth of the regional market. On the basis of the proposed author's approach to the study of tourism on the basis of relative indicators, a comparative analysis of inbound tourism in the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories is carried out. The scientific novelty of the study is to develop a methodological approach to the study of the state and trends of tourism deveopment on the basis of relative indicators in terms of population and number of tourists.. The
practical significance of the work lies in the structural analysis of the limiting factors of tourism development, as well as the approbation of the approach proposed by the authors to the study of tourism using relative indicators on the example of the Primorsky and Khabarovsk territories.
Keywords: tourism, inbound tourism, regional tourism, tourism, tourism statistics, satellite
account, development dynamics, tourism factors.